Quality enviroment initiatives
Quality enviroment initiatives

Obtained ISO certification
KSM Co., Ltd. is working on sustainable business activities by "improving service quality" and "building an environmental management system." In order to meet our customers' requests and expectations as well as our social responsibility, we received ISO9001 certification, an international standard for quality management systems, in January 2009.
In March 2024, we obtained ISO14001 certification, an international standard for environmental management systems.
Based on our ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification, we will continue to aim for high quality and high added value, and aim to achieve zero accidents and zero disasters in compliance with laws and regulations.
We will strive to thoroughly reduce our environmental impact.
Starting from our founding with chemical products, we now work to meet customer needs in a wide range of fields as a developer and manufacturer of cosmetics and quasi-drugs.
Based on our motto, we will continue to aim to be a company that is indispensable not only to our customers, but also to our employees.
ISO9001 (Quality Management System)
person name
KSM Co., Ltd.
Certification date
Certification number

Registration range
Development, manufacture, and sales of high-performance resin products (epoxy acrylate, urethane acrylate, etc.) and cosmetic chemicals (gel nails, etc.)

Quality policy
We comply with laws and industry regulations and aim to develop in harmony with society.
We aim to be a company that is trusted by our customers by accurately understanding their needs and expectations and providing excellent products and services .
We will regularly review our business activities and strive to further improve our quality management system.
Certification standards
ISO14001 (Environmental Management System)
Certification standards
person name
KSM Co., Ltd.
Certification authority
Certification date
Certification number

Registration range
Development, manufacture, and sales of high-performance resin products (epoxy acrylate, urethane acrylate, etc.) and cosmetic chemicals (gel nails, etc.)

Environmental initiatives
Environmental philosophy
Our environmental philosophy is "We deeply recognize the importance of environmental conservation on a global scale, evaluate the relationship with the environment in all aspects of production activities, and contribute to the realization of an environmentally harmonious society.'' At the same time, we will promote environmental conservation and continuous improvement related to the development of business activities as a social mission with the participation of all employees.
Behavioral guidelines
Through our production activities, we promote resource and energy conservation, reduce waste, etc., and strive to maintain and improve a healthy environment and prevent pollution.
We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, agreements, etc., and respect related social demands.
In order to continuously and effectively promote environmental conservation activities, each department sets "environmental objectives, targets and implementation plans" and periodically reviews them to promote continuous improvement of the environmental management system. We will strive to use resources effectively.
We will disseminate our environmental philosophy and policy to all employees, raise their awareness of the environment, and train them to act in accordance with our environmental policy.
This environmental policy will be made public in response to requests from outside the company.